뉴질랜드에 있는 사업파트너에게서 온 편지입니다.
제가 크라이스트처치의 대지진 때문에 피해는 없냐고 안부를 물었더니 답이 왔습니다.
다행이 그 분의 가족친지들은 한 분도 사상자가 없더군요.
정말 지진없는 대한민국은 복 받은 나라 같습니다. 물론 100% 안심할 일은 아니지만요.
To all my friends around the world, I want to thank you all for your emails and messages re the devastating earthquake that struck Christchurch, our largest City in the South Island, last Tuesday afternoon…….many of you heard or saw some of the pictures of this once most beautiful & most English city in New Zealand……….
I am thankful that none of my friends down there have been hurt or killed, the toll will pass 150 today and will go into the 100’s as more are found………
Disasters happen all around the world, every day, and they are always terrible & frightening for those involved, but until it happens close to home, it is always “in some other country & far away”………not any more……..it was an unknown fault, so it just reminds us all, nature is not very predictable nor risk able to be determined…….being more prepared for a disaster now takes on a new stronger meaning for all of us in NZ……..of course we are not alone in living in a place where the earth can move, violently!
To give you some idea, the speed of this quake was estimated over 22,000KPH and with a vertical force of 2G!
So, take care, you never know when mother nature will be restless……..
Some devastating photos... before and after shots of some well known buildings in Christchurch.