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Festivals in Gwangju
GniusYJ    2012-06-26 죄회수 4,579 추천수 1 덧글수 0  인쇄       스크랩     신고

간단하게나마 아래와 같이 영문소개를 하면 어떨까요?

광주광역시는 축제들을 영어로 참 잘 소개해 놓았길래 따 봤습니다.  



 Chungjangno Festival is a representative downtown street festival which is held in Hwangguem-ro, Guemnam-ro and the street of art including Chungjang-ro as the central streets of Gong-gu for five to six days in October every year.
Taking the title "from the 1970s to the 1980s", the festival holds all kinds of performance·contest·exhibition·experience program and annexed events which bring us the memory of that time and during the festival, the street of memory at every corner is prepared for the realization of the appearance of 1970s to 1980s.




 Gwangju International Performance Art Festival is an art festival performing many kinds genre like play, dance, musical and multi genre etc and many countries take participate with integrated programs beyond genre, form, country and ideology.








 Gwangju boasts of being the home of Korean food for its rich-tasting kimchi. kimchi has become popular as health food as it has been proven in the past few years to be effective in fighting SARS and cancer. In this respect, the Gwangju Kimchi Culture Festival was held for the first time in 1994 in order to showcase the superiority of kimchi to the world and promote Korea"s kimchi industry.






태그  광주축제,광주시축제,세계김치문화축제,7080충장로축제,축제영문소개
 이전글      다음글   인쇄       스크랩     신고
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덧글쓰기 댓글공유 URL : http://bit.ly/2oETzI 
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